Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now That You Understand The Money Saving Aspect Let' S Understand Credit Problems

Category: Finance, Credit.

"For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer. " The vows that fuse a man and a woman together are very seldom referred back to for reference. "For richer or for poorer" are the words that can overcome the financial burdens that plague our homesteads. It could mean that your credit situation needs some financial enlightenment and optimistic uplifting.

If the marriage consists of frequent arguments relating to situations that credit seem to limit, just maybe a sign that a divorce consultation is not necessary. I have heard that most marriages get most of their financial information from unqualified individuals like the hair dresser, the single friend who has never been married or the family member who already has bad credit. First, when you find in your marriage that credit problems are limiting the things that help life flow much smoother. The bottom line is, stand true to your vows and know that if credit is the lagging factor in a marriage, you can overcome it. That is the time to stop the madness and begin the process to get what you want when you need it. Please, don' t misunderstand the idea set forth, I believe there is nothing wrong with material things as long as it is within the financial limits of you and your family's overall goal. For example buying a new vehicle instead of used so the family is not having weekend outings stuck on the road due to a break down.

Once you notice that your credit status could be the root issue, discuss it with your spouse and take action to get your credit in order. Through taking action, a whole new perspective on marriage can emerge. I have always found asking your spouse for help in troubleshooting a problem is a bonding experience. The next step that needs to be made is important because a financial plan needs to be set forth. Once the budgeting and goal setting for your credit is established, action is needed on both sides of the relationship. The financial plan consists of budgeting and realizing where, your creditworthiness lies, as a couple in the standards that are acceptable.

If both sides are on board with the plan you have now taken the focus off the financial problems and placed attention on solving the financial picture. The budget can be created by calculating all your monthly payments with expenses and compare that calculation with your income. It is motivating when you and your spouse now see hope in the horizon and know that just because credit has limited many situations it should not limit the love that was established with just a" hello. " Lastly, creating a budget is simple. Now you will know approximately how much of your income should remain after all your monthly payments and expenses are paid. A simple budget can create everlasting happy moments and is something to look forward to tomorrow and the next day, of arguing over, instead medical bills on the credit report. This calculation is important because it will reveal how much you can save for retirement or put towards that vacation the family has dreamed of the past 5 years. Now that you understand the money saving aspect let's understand credit problems.

Take action by getting the items verified with the credit bureau and sit and wait for the results which can take around 1 to 2 months to get resolved. If credit is becoming a challenge to acquire then get your credit reports, a red pen and start your own elimination of derogatory items on your credit report that would improve your credit situation. If this is a bit to much to maintain seek help and investigate the credit services company before you retain their services. You can reap short term success and create a positive environment for a better future. By now, the optimism should have been revitalized and a new purpose for the beautiful marriage bloomed. Never, never give up on the beauty of marriage. Life is much more pleasing though when you do have your spouse next to you to enjoy life as it comes day by day, for better and for richer.

Marriage does have its ups and downs and that is not a secret.

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